Found this coffee at Riau Junction a few days ago..
Essprecielo Caffe d'Choco

Pleased by its cover, we took one back home and made it immediately. It was creamy, but I think the taste of the chocolate is covering almost the whole parts of the coffee itself. It smells like chocolate and taste like chocolate-with-a-little-drops-of-coffee.

Anway, after a long long time of searching, I finally got myself a vanilla extract from Durkee, yaaaayyy..!! \\(^o^)//
I've been to Toko Setiabudi searching for it before but didn't get it. But last night it's like it was suddenly there! I need it for my cupcakes experiment. Tried vanilla powder before, I just wanna know the difference between extract vanilla powder and liquid. I'll tell you guys later after I'm using it.. ;)
So, it's nearly time for Lebaran. Happy Ied everyone! May God give us forgiveness, so we could have a pure white heart to moving on next year after this Ramadhan.. :D
For you that is going on mudik (Indonesian tradition of going back home, for those who went or living abroad for school or work), please drive save and pay respect to another driver!
This year I'm going to Semarang where my husband is coming from. It's gonna be fun!
Have a great holiday..!! :D
Essprecielo Caffe d'Choco
Pleased by its cover, we took one back home and made it immediately. It was creamy, but I think the taste of the chocolate is covering almost the whole parts of the coffee itself. It smells like chocolate and taste like chocolate-with-a-little-drops-of-coffee.
Anway, after a long long time of searching, I finally got myself a vanilla extract from Durkee, yaaaayyy..!! \\(^o^)//
I've been to Toko Setiabudi searching for it before but didn't get it. But last night it's like it was suddenly there! I need it for my cupcakes experiment. Tried vanilla powder before, I just wanna know the difference between extract vanilla powder and liquid. I'll tell you guys later after I'm using it.. ;)
So, it's nearly time for Lebaran. Happy Ied everyone! May God give us forgiveness, so we could have a pure white heart to moving on next year after this Ramadhan.. :D
For you that is going on mudik (Indonesian tradition of going back home, for those who went or living abroad for school or work), please drive save and pay respect to another driver!
This year I'm going to Semarang where my husband is coming from. It's gonna be fun!
Have a great holiday..!! :D
Me and Sats, we've been a fan of Pisetta for years. I don't remember the exact time but it was at Ciwalk, some years ago, on one of our first dates, when we first tried it. I guess I had a choco-mint back then, and I suddenly felt it love with it from the very first lick. It's been one of my favorite flavor ever since! =D
Anyway, couple months ago, I (just) saw a Pisetta cafe-looks-like when me and my friends drive pass through Jalan Bahureksa. Planned for going there many times with them but it just yesterday that I finally went there with Sats. Well, you know, it happens all the time, having some plans with the girls and yet just a few of them that were accomplished, hahaaa.. But those plans are just some of our bond, keep us in touch in some way.. ;)
So after a long time wondering myself, here is how Pisetta Parlor looks like..
I love their concept! They used the colors of Pisetta itself nicely, put on comfy chairs and tables, cute little lights on the white pillar, and right on the middle of our chat we just discovered that they use glass blocks in front of their open kitchen, nice! I just have to think twice to know that it was just an ordinary house terrace that was been changed into a nice little cafe.
And surely I looove their dish too!
Cappuccino & Blackberry Ice Cream |
Cappuccino Creme Brulee |
Black And White Poffertjes |
Fettucini Ala Pisetta |
Potato Wedges |
Go and grab something for yourself here! They have almost everything from coffees to smoothies, crepes to poffertjes, pasta to rice bowl, and of course lotsa ice cream flavors..
Oh..and I got surprised by the first time seeing Cappuccino Creme Brulee on their new menu. I mean like, "cappuccino? creme brulee?? is that a drink or a dessert?", and then me and Sats, we were just amazed when it came to our table. It's actually a cappuccino, covered by sugar on the top of it that has been burned to caramel. It taste soooo goooodd.. and yes, I was amazed by the idea, really, it just came out great! From a simply cappuccino..?! Totally love it! XD
Italian Ice Cream and Pancake Parlor
Bahureksa No.5
Bandung, West Java
It's the capital of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Manado is also famous for its traditional foods and beverages. One of the famous dessert from this city is klappertart. Some said that klappertart recipe was affected by the Dutch people that ever colonized their city. Now you can get klappertart almost anywhere in Indonesia, especially in a big city like Jakarta and Bandung.
Anyway, there is a Manado little kitchen here in Bandung called Sabua Klappertaart Koe. They sell klappertart (of course, hehee), some other Manado's food and also a robusta-arabica coffee from an area in Manado called Kotamobagu.

There is also Es Brenebon on the manu. It contains red beans with ice, chocolate and milk, but I haven't try it yet so maybe I will post it next time.. ^^
I had an Ayam Kecap (soy sauced chicken) and Sats had a Mie Brenebon Iga (noodles with red beans and chopped ribs). And trust me they are worthy! Fine dish with generous prices.. :D

See the little bowl with orange sauce? It's called dabu dabu, one of the Manado's type of sambal (chili sauce). Another one is known as sambal roa, and here it is, come with Fried Banana that my brother ordered.
Try it out!!
Sabua Klappertaart Koe
Taman Cibeunying Utara 4
Bandung, Indonesia
P.S: Do you realize how many times you catch "brenebon" on this post? There are lot's of Indonesian foods and beverages with that word in their names. I did some research about it and came with this fact, that Brenebon came from Dutch words, "bruin" (brown) and "boon" (bean), which literally means Red Bean. :)
Anyway, there is a Manado little kitchen here in Bandung called Sabua Klappertaart Koe. They sell klappertart (of course, hehee), some other Manado's food and also a robusta-arabica coffee from an area in Manado called Kotamobagu.
There is also Es Brenebon on the manu. It contains red beans with ice, chocolate and milk, but I haven't try it yet so maybe I will post it next time.. ^^
I had an Ayam Kecap (soy sauced chicken) and Sats had a Mie Brenebon Iga (noodles with red beans and chopped ribs). And trust me they are worthy! Fine dish with generous prices.. :D
See the little bowl with orange sauce? It's called dabu dabu, one of the Manado's type of sambal (chili sauce). Another one is known as sambal roa, and here it is, come with Fried Banana that my brother ordered.
Try it out!!
Sabua Klappertaart Koe
Taman Cibeunying Utara 4
Bandung, Indonesia
P.S: Do you realize how many times you catch "brenebon" on this post? There are lot's of Indonesian foods and beverages with that word in their names. I did some research about it and came with this fact, that Brenebon came from Dutch words, "bruin" (brown) and "boon" (bean), which literally means Red Bean. :)
"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free." - Catherine Ponder
Ramadhan has come, let's be free by ask forgiveness and give one to the others..
Anyway, it's the 2nd day, happy fasting..! ^_^
Looking for a fine hotel in Bandung? I just tried one, Sensa Hotel. I come to Cihampelas Walk often but had never seen the hotel that located in front of it until yesterday. Nice building, beautiful room, friendly staff, and from all of the hotel facilities, I love the outdoor swimming pool! :D

Interested? Check the homepage here.
It was a Saturday night and I was not feeling good that time because of sore throat, had a high fever that night, hard to sleep, it's really irritating. Beware of a sore throat with a high fever (usually higher than 99F or about 37.2C) because it could be a strep throat and you need to see a doctor for this one!
Anyway, have a nice weekday everyone..!! ^^
Sensa Hotel
Jalan Cihampelas 160
Bandung 40131
Interested? Check the homepage here.
It was a Saturday night and I was not feeling good that time because of sore throat, had a high fever that night, hard to sleep, it's really irritating. Beware of a sore throat with a high fever (usually higher than 99F or about 37.2C) because it could be a strep throat and you need to see a doctor for this one!
Anyway, have a nice weekday everyone..!! ^^
Sensa Hotel
Jalan Cihampelas 160
Bandung 40131