To your saddle.. (I love this pink Brooks by the way :))
To the whole bike..
Or bring some pink stuff to brighten up your day..
What color is your favorite? Mind to share?? Feel free to left a comment or two.. ;)
Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest
I have tasted some low-fat products like yogurt, milk and biscuit, but this is the first time in my life I ever tried a low-fat ice cream. Sats is a green tea lover. We saw this Green Tea Low Fat Ice Cream at Riau Junction and grabbed one to taste. It's a new one from Campina, I guess..

We were really putting in our hope on this ice cream (since we both love ones..), but it turned out upside-down suddenly after my first lick. Sorry to say, but I think I won't buy this "healthy ice cream" again, no more! It was the worst ice cream I have ever tasted, no kidding! The artificial sugar is weird.. taste like medicine. I know it's written clearly "low fat", but should it have to be that awful?? (+_+ !)
Believe me that having a diet or healthy food habit doesn't always have to be that bad. The easiest first step is try to calculate your everyday activities, and find how many calories that you burn to do those things. After knowing your daily calories burned, have some food and drink according to how many calories that you needed for that day. Try to avoid fried food, have enough fiber, always having your breakfast, have something to eat every 4 hours, and drink enough water! aaannddd.. having an exercise is a must! ;)
We were really putting in our hope on this ice cream (since we both love ones..), but it turned out upside-down suddenly after my first lick. Sorry to say, but I think I won't buy this "healthy ice cream" again, no more! It was the worst ice cream I have ever tasted, no kidding! The artificial sugar is weird.. taste like medicine. I know it's written clearly "low fat", but should it have to be that awful?? (+_+ !)
Believe me that having a diet or healthy food habit doesn't always have to be that bad. The easiest first step is try to calculate your everyday activities, and find how many calories that you burn to do those things. After knowing your daily calories burned, have some food and drink according to how many calories that you needed for that day. Try to avoid fried food, have enough fiber, always having your breakfast, have something to eat every 4 hours, and drink enough water! aaannddd.. having an exercise is a must! ;)
Looking for a candle holder? Why not make some? Here are some inspiration I got from Pinterest. They are quite easy to make..
As easy as bending the spoons..
As easy as bending the spoons..
Turning your glass of wine upside down..
Or, just stick up some twigs (or leaves) to a small glass..
So, I hope this post could help you find what you look for. Feel free to leave a comment! I'd like to know how's your candle holder would be like.. :)
They finally announced the provisional new 7 wonders of nature! They are checking the voting calculation now, and the winner will be announced on early 2012 during the Official Inauguration ceremony. It is possible that there will be changes between the provisional winners and the eventual finally confirmed winners, so let's hope for the best! :D
(Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela).
Out of the 28 finalists, Indonesia's Komodo National Park is one of the winners, yaayy!! I am so glad we won it. Now people would see that Indonesia is not only have the stunning Bali island that attract so many visitors all this time, but also this amazing Komodo Island that have so many interesting view that they might haven't seen before.
FYI, Indonesia has thousands of beautiful islands. If you love beaches, try to find some in here. Honestly I haven't even go to one-tenth of all the islands in Indonesia but I have seen people taken so many great pictures of them, so I think you won't be regret it to have visiting some of them.. ;)
If you are planning to traveling this year-end, do have a look on our Official Tourism Website here, there might be some interesting places that you want to visit. Hope you enjoy your time in Indonesia! :)
I wanted to post this quite a long time ago but didn't really have a time to do that but anyway, this is one of my favorite from Miu Miu last runway that I saw on Simply cute!
Ooops..! I know, it's like way too late.. But still it is Fall in Europe, isn't it..? ;)
Have a nice November everyone! It's rainy here in Bandung so don't forget your coat or sweater or jacket and bring a nice bright umbrella to shine up the day.. You know, it's nice seeing people using a yellow umbrella under the rain. (^^)