basic vanilla muffins with almond slices and chocolate chips

October 15, 2014

My little monster had cough and a sore throat, and here comes the food strikes again! He now turns his nose up at everything except cold milk and juice. Well, at least there is something went into that tiny belly.

Today I made this little muffins, with a little wish that he would take some bites along with his milk on dinner time. And the result was: he took a couple bites of the one with almonds on top, ate all of the almond slices on it, then bite another one with the chocolate chips, and that's all.

Yaahh.. namanya juga lagi GTM, yasudlah! Poting semoga bb-nya tetep naik dan anaknya sehat terus aja deh, amiinn..

Anyway, I got the recipe of those basic vanilla muffins from Kidspot Kitchen here, made a little adjustments, and just add almond slices and chocolate chips on top before they goes to the oven. You could also add some other ingredients for topping, or add 1 cup of other ingredients like dried fruits or chocolate into the dough before pouring it into the muffin liners for extra filling.

Bikin basic vanilla muffins ini super gampang deh..

2 cups tepung terigu
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup gula
1/2 tsp garam
1 telur
3/4 cup susu uht
1/3 cup margarin cair
1 tsp vanilla extract

- Panaskan oven 180 derajat celcius. Letakkan muffin paper di loyang muffin.
- Campur dan aduk rata tepung, baking soda, gula dan garam dalam mangkuk besar.
- Di mangkuk berbeda, kocok santai telur, susu dan margarin.
- Tuang bahan basah ke dalam bahan kering dan aduk hingga rata. Pastikan tercampur rata tapi jangan diaduk berlebihan yaa!
- Tuang 1/3 cup adonan ke dalam setiap muffin paper yang sudah disiapkan sebelumnya.
- Panggang selama 20 menit. Setelah matang, biarkan dingin selama 5-10 menit.

Selamat makaaaannn..!!

- Boleh gunakan topping apa saja yang disukai, dried fruit, kacang-kacangan, apel, apa aja deh..
- Kalau mau dicampur, bisa gunakan 1 cup bahan lain untuk diaduk bersama adonan sebelum dituang ke loyang. Next time pengen nyoba pakai buah, blueberry kayanya ok deh.. yumm~

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