5 DIY Wall Decorating Ideas

June 24, 2015

So, you have a big blank wall and don't really have an idea of how to decorating it? Here are some easy tricks to brighten up your lovely home (or apartment) with less budget.

1. Make your Instagram wall of fame.
Print, cut, and simply attach them on your wall.
via abeautifulmess.com

2. DIY wall hanging.
Use wooden dowels and wallpaper (or maybe wrapping paper), then hang it on your blank wall.

via ninjadiva

3. DIY "+" washi tape decal
You will only need a tape measure, washi tape, a pencil, scissors, and a cup of coffee (optional).

via everythingemilyblog

4. Put your favorite quotes on the wall.
Print your favorite inspirational quotes, put them on some different size of clipboards, hang them on the wall.

via craft-o-maniac

5. Huge photo canvas
Your favorite High-resolution photos, foam boards, double tape, and a cutter.
via house by hoff
via decozilla

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  1. gw naksir bgt sama yg photo canvas nih pryt, tapi blom sempet2 nyetak fotonya, hehehe.., tar lah abis lebaran..

    makasih ide2nya yaaa..

  2. masama taa.. :)
    sama ih gw juga banyak mau tapi ga jadi2 mulu, hahaaa.. Lalu akhirnya S bikin dong ala-ala photo canvas tapi ngeprint sendiri tempel polyfoam, hahaa.. ntar gw share lagi deh, hasilnya ok juga lho.. :D


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